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Imprint/Information in relation to §5 ECG:

Service provider:
PD Florian M. Kovar, MD

Rahlgasse 1, TOP 12
A-1060 Vienna
Member of the medical associations Vienna & Lower Austria

Designation: Consultant for Orthopedics & Trauma
ÖÄK Number: 53398-34
Provided services by PD Florian M. Kovar, MD are subject to the Ärztegesetz & SDG in its current form.
PD Florian M. Kovar, MD refers to his status as a registered and certified court surveyor for Traum Orthopedics – 02.17, registered at Sachverständigenliste des LGZ Wien. (§ 86 GOG, § 1 SDG, § 14b SDG)

This webpage was built by PD Florian M. Kovar, MD.
Web links used on my page are the sole intellectual property of the owner and PD Florian M. Kovar, MD, will hold no accountability in any form. For the use of the provided information from third parties.
© PD Florian M. Kovar, MD MMXXII

The used trademark „Florian M. Kovar, Fugam Victoria Nescit“ is protected by copyright and any attempt to use it without the owners consent or misuse against the will of the owner will have legal consequences.
© PD Florian M. Kovar, MD MMXXII

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